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LightFykki's Final Fantasy VI Game Review

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Rated: 10


The game has nice graphic, an amazing soundtrack and an even better plot. Do we need something more? Well yes, of course! And that is the gameplay itself. This time it changes it a little, adding more espers (summons) to the game and making you actually draw magic out of them. This game also introduced desperate attacks to the series (although they are very tricky and hard to do in this game) and added some new style of story telling with you choosing which first part to take, more freedom in playing, more side quests and far more items, including relics which are special items that add specific attributes to each character.

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LightFykki's Final Fantasy V Game Review

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Rated: 8

There are two things that need to be noticed about this game, especially about its gameplay. One is the adventurous part and the other is the fight part.
Fighting in this game carries on with the traditional turn based style, but like the game before, it has an active battle system, but unlike the original version of Final Fantasy IV, this time you can see the bar that shows when you get your turn next.
What adds to the gameplay though is something different and that is the return of jobs. Though this time, they are not just ordinary jobs, this time they are quite unique among each other and offer set of abilities that you gain by equipping them and gaining AP after battles.

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LightFykki's Final Fantasy IV Game Review

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Rated: 9


This game is fun. And I literally mean, fun. There are so many ways to play this game that you will end up trying all sorts of combinations and even playing maybe multiple times. There aren’t that many things choose differently, but the story itself will make up for it. Let’s go actually this way. Instead of writing what you can do in this game, let’s write what is improved in terms of gameplay over the previous installments.

Instead of going through different classes and raising them, this time you get each separate class by each character. Each character also has its own set of abilities where it either gains more by level, game progress or some other means.

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